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Saturday, October 5, 2019

List of DNA Analysis software

List of DNA Analysis software


DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms using data from a single locus (a multiple sequences aligned -MSA data), or from several loci (a Multiple-MSA data, such as formats generated by some assembler RAD-seq software).... Software Package details Click Here

Sanger Institute

As a leading genomics centre, the Sanger Institute often needs to develop software solutions to novel biological problems. All our software is made available to the research community and is open access, recognizing that community improvement is essential to maximizing efficiencies in software development....  Software Package details Click Here

JaMBW 1.1

The first public release of JaMBW, the Java-based Molecular Biologist's. Software Package details Click Here 


Chromas is a free trace viewer for simple DNA sequencing projects which do not require assembly of multiple sequences Software Package details Click Here

AnnHub 4.942

AnnHyb is a tool for sequence viewer, sequence editor, sequence annotation, format conversion, oligonucleotides alignment, restriction analysis, pattern searching, retrieval from servers, multi-alignment viewer, consensus determination, etc. Software Package details Click Here

Sequencher 5.4.6

New and enhanced features for all of your DNA sequence analysis. Software Package details Click Here 


This software for automatic thermodynamic probe design. Software Package details Click Here  


Apollo - A collaborative, real-time, genome annotation web-based editor.  Software Package details Click Here 


GenomePixelizer was designed to help in visualizing the relationships between duplicated genes in genome(s) and to follow relationships between members of gene clusters. Software Package details Click Here  


Sequin--A DNA Sequence Submission Tool. Software Package details Click Here  


Developed by a practicing molecular biologist who understands the importance of easy-to-learn and easy-to-use software. Software Package details Click Here  


It can be easily used to compare, parsing and visualize large genomic sequences, especially closely related genomes such as inter-species or inter-strains. Software Package details Click Here  

SSRHunter 1.3

SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat, also known as microsatellite DNA) site search software. Software Package details Click Here  

MB DNA analysis

MB is a free Windows DNA analysis program, multiple sequence alignment and etc. Software Package details Click Here 

Internet ContigExplorer (iCE)

iCE is used for viewing fingerprint maps and associated data. Software Package details Click Here 

CodonCode Aligner

CodonCode Aligner is a program for sequence assembly, contig editing, and mutation detection. Software Package details Click Here  


Chromatogram Editor with Mutation Detection. Software Package details Click Here 


SequenceViewer includes the DNAViewer and RepeatsViewer tools. Software Package details Click Here  

Serial Cloner

Serial Cloner has been developed to provide a light yet powerful molecular biology software. Software Package details Click Here  

DNA Nucleotide Counter 

DNA Nucleotide Counter is a freeware tool that shows the proportions of A,C G, T nucleotides and CG, AT nucleotides in a DNA sequence. Software Package details Click Here  

DNA Chromatogram Explorer Lite

DNA Chromatogram Explorer Lite is a Windows Explorer clone dedicated to DNA sequence analysis and manipulation. Software Package details Click Here  


XiaLab teaching in molecular evolution and phylogenetics, bioinformatics, microbial genomics, transcriptomics, statistical modelling, evolutionanry genetics and biomedical and biopharmaceutical sciences. Software Package details Click Here  

Lawrence Lab

Lawrence Lab give lecture notes are found under the appropriate class listing. Software Package details Click Here  

Genome Workbench

Genome Workbench offers researchers a rich set of integrated tools for studying and analyzing genetic data. Users can explore and compare data from multiple sources including the NCBI databases or the user’s own private data. Software Package details Click Here  


AssociationViewer is a Java application used to display SNPs in a genetic context.  Software Package details Click Here 

DNA Dragon Contig Assembler

DNA Dragon Contig Assembler assembles sequences (FASTA, GenBank etc.). Software Package details Click Here  


Seqool is a free (for educational use) sequence analysis software designed primarily for searching biological signals in nucleic acid sequences. Software Package details Click Here  


LocalMotif is a software tool for discovering transcription factor binding motifs in a collection of DNA sequences. Software Package details Click Here  

DNAux - Auxiliary DNASoftware

The Random Generator Tool implemented by the DNAUX Software was created to rapidly generate a lists of random elements in a text file (such as DNA sequences), allowing the user to choose the number of iterations and the number of elements in each list. Software Package details Click Here  


RepeatAround is a Windows based software tool designed to find direct repeats, inverted repeats, mirror repeats and complementary repeats, from 3 bp to 64 bp length, in circular genomes. Software Package details Click Here  

DNA Sequence Assembler

DNA Sequence Assembler is revolutionary bioinformatics software for automatic DNA sequence assembly , DNA sequence analysis, contig editing, file format conversion and mutation detection. Software Package details Click Here  

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