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Saturday, October 19, 2019

What is next? Career in Nutritionist

What is next? Career in Nutritionist 

Nutrition and Diet is the science of nutrition and food management, which is designed to improve the health of people by creating healthy eating habits. As a nutritionist, there are many effective ways to improve people's lives through diet.

Dieticians are highly recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle or achieve specific health goals. They work in many environments, including hospitals, cafes, nursing homes and schools. Some rely on their own practice to work for them. Some nutritionists provide personal information to specific individuals. For example, a dietician or nutritionist can teach high blood pressure patients how to use less salt when preparing meals. Others work with people with similar needs. For example, they may plan to process foods and foods that are low in sugar to help those who are overweight.

Required eligibility

You can take any of the 12th-grade courses, but you are recommended to use science courses (physical, chemistry and biology) because of it offers a wide range of courses and career opportunities. Similarly, using biology as a theme can help build the foundation by focusing on the human physiology field.

Nutrition and Dietetics 3 years, or 3 years Bachelor's degree in Home Science, and a Master's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics / Home Science two years or Postgraduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics.

Usually, after completing the course, students are entitled to an internship for 3 months, mandatory internship period or 6 months and at least one registered dietitian in the hospital approved by the Indian Dietetic Association. It should be a specialist or intermediate hospital.

Skills required:

Good communication skills, able to communicate with people individually and in groups
Techniques for writing reports, documents and publications
Good research skills
Genuine patience and concern for fellow citizens
Planning, management skills, and organizational skills
Nutrition and Food Industry Opportunities

The recent opening of health clinics, fitness centers and prosperous commercial food services will ensure that nutrition and dieting will create many jobs in the future.

What does the dietician do?

Explain nutrition and what customers can do

Assessing customers' health needs and diet
Develop a meal plan while considering costs and customer preferences.
Advising governments and health authorities on nutrition-related issues.
Cooperate with different organizations such as schools, hospitals, restaurants, etc. to meet people's food needs.

Spread awareness of the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet.
Indulge in finding different food ingredients and their benefits.
Patient records are maintained through regular updates.
Although all nutritionists perform similar tasks, there are many disciplines in these professions.

Possible fields are:

Fast-moving consumer products and pharmaceutical companies: Cadbury, GlaxoSmithKline, Nestle,  Unilever, and Novartis need nutritionists — R&D and medical marketing — in both areas. Government agencies: Many people hire nutritionists to work for social welfare and development. They also work in the public health department. Based on the number of vacancies available, UPSC interviewed the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB).

In addition, the possibilities include:

State Department Status
Sports and Health Clubs
Special Nutrition Consultant
Dietitian consultant
Clinical Dietetics
The mass media
Teacher of Nutrition

If you continue to improve your knowledge of diet, indicators and medical outcomes, nutrition, and food courses are just as good as hotel management courses. If you are a hospital employee, you can learn a lot about nursing and pharmacy and use this knowledge to supplement your career as a dietitian.

Different roles as nutritionists:

Medical Nutritionists:

Clinical nutritionists work in medical settings such as hospitals, physician offices, and clinics. These nutritionists are responsible for providing medical nutrition therapy, which treats the disease by specifically adjusting the diet.

Food Services Specialist:

Foodservice nutritionists work in school restaurants, restaurants, and other large dining areas. Regular audits and inspections are done to ensure kitchen staff and managers meet regulatory standards. Foodservice nutritionists also offer tips on dealing with special dietary problems and food allergies.

Sports Nutrition:

Sports nutrition experts work with athletes and coaches to ensure high athletic performance. Create a unique plan based on the nutritional needs of each athlete. Sports nutrition experts work with sports coaches to help prevent injuries and help athletes recover.

The major companies hiring nutritionists in the hotel industry include:

Agor Hospitality
Taj Hotel Group
In addition, many other businesses employ food artists and nutritionists, such as Apollo Hospital Group, AIIMS, and other private nursing homes. These experts are also used in sports clubs and high-end fitness centers.

Some NUTRITION AND DIETETICS colleges/University

National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad
SNDT Women's University, Mumbai
University of Mysore, Mysore
Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi
All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata
Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi, New Delhi
Women's Christian College, University of Madras, Chennai
JD Birla Institute, Kolkata
College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan, University of Mumbai

As the disease progresses and unhealthy eating habits increase, so does the need for nutritionists. In order to provide nutrition to your professional unit, training is the most important aspect. This will give you practical introductions and theoretical knowledge and will open many doors to undoubtedly profitable business opportunities.
The concept of modern food and human health has changed dramatically. Many major chronic health issues related to health, Unfortunately, today the world is well adapted to a diet that has many adverse effects on human health. The food you eat each day will determine your current and future health.

Because of its uniqueness in September, the government chose this month to raise awareness of the nation's nutritional needs. India is the world's third-largest billionaire. But at the same time, micronutrient deficiencies are a major public health problem.
In response to this alarming situation, the Government of India launched Buchanan Month in September, which completes the Buchanan Abu Haiyan Project launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in March 2018.

The result is a new science, namely, nutrition. This opens new opportunities. Best of luck...

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